New to the community? Looking for a church home? Looking to explore your faith on life’s journey?
You are welcome here! Whether or not you come from a church background, there’s a place for you at KRU! We look forward to you joining us in exploring what it means to live meaningfully and love deeply!
For those who haven't belonged to a church for a while, many of us have been in that boat! Our church services are modern and involve singing, prayer, and a chance to reflect about the world around us. After church, there is the opportunity to socialize at Friendship Time while the kids check out our children's snack table, play in Davey Hall or hang in the library. Don't worry about not knowing anyone. Our members are from your community! We are your local church, fully integrated into the very fabric of the Beach community. It is a home away from home, a friendly port where you can reconnect with yourself and your fellow members of the community.
In these busy days, a local church can put you in touch with your community now and as your children grow. You can walk down the street and participate in a wide range of activities that can add meaning and sustenance to your life. Kingston Road United Church can provide you and your family with opportunities to help people in this community, our city, country and the world. It is a model of how we can take care of those less fortunate in our world.
Children have many influences in their lives these days, from peers, school, sports to music, TV, and computer-based games. There are many choices to make about their life and future careers. Church membership and spirituality can also be a valuable part of their lives and help them as they grow and develop. Kingston Road United Church provides modern programming for children that gives children a chance to reflect on the world around them, and how they can help.
For adults, we provide discussion groups about current books, bible-based study sessions, retreats and much more!
We invite you to visit with us and find out about everything our church can offer to your and your family!
There's a place for you at KRU!