The Raise Our Roof Campaign
KRU has a new roof!


As stewards of our 110+ year old building, we have collectively restored our church building to a safe and dry place where we can continue to grow the wonderful activities that go on in the church, under the new roof,

in support of our congregation and the community.


The roof and building repairs are important because they make the many things that happen in our church possible.

It is what happens under the roof that really matters - Worship, Music, Christian Education, Outreach, Small Group Gatherings, Spiritual Study Groups and many Community Activities.


Many of you have supported this work over the years by participating in one or more of the many projects to get this work done, by making a financial gift and/or participating in one or more of the Raise Our Roof fundraisers.

You have been very generous and for that we are most grateful! There is still more to do. 


The Raise Our Roof Campaign includes a long-term project to raise funds for the construction of the roof and repairs to the building exterior. There are many ways to give – organize or attend an event or make a financial contribution either by cheque, credit or debit card, e-transfer, PAR. Visit our website's Donations page to access our online giving form and make a financial gift. Another way to support the Raise the Roof campaign is to purchase a beautiful piece of art. We have partnered with a number of artists to transform the 100 year old slate tiles that were removed from the roof into wonderful works that combine artistic beauty with a piece of history.

Click here to see more information about the tiles.


Please prayerfully consider your support for the Raise The Roof campaign.

Your support makes a difference in our faith life together and in the life of the Kingston Road community.

Every $115 raised pays for another square foot of roof and building repairs.

Every gift helps us reach our goal.


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